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Wind Turbine Wholesaler SWOT Analysis Plus Business Plan

11 April, 17:19, by homemadejoe Tags: , , , , , , ,
Wind Turbine Wholesaler SWOT Analysis Plus Business Plan

Our Wind Turbine Wholesaler SWOT Analysis will provide you with the comprehensive documentation that you will need in order to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that your business will face as your develop or expand your business operations. Our product also includes a full business plan specific for a Wind Turbine Wholesaler. This business plan has been developed in MS Word/Excel and is appropriate for seeking start up or expansion capital from an investor, bank, SBA program, or grant company. The MS Excel and MS Word components can be completely customized for your needs. The business plan also features a completely automated table of contents as well as industry research that is specific for a Wind Turbine Wholesaler.

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Savonius Model Wind Turbine Plus

18 March, 20:56, by homemadejoe Tags: , , , ,
Savonius Model Wind Turbine Plus

PicoTurbine's Savonius Model Wind Turbine Plus kit is a fully function miniature vertical windmill. At wind speeds of 12 mph it produces approximately 3.0V/50mA. The frame is built from high quality craft wood and coated with premium enamel to help protect it from the elements. The kit comes with 4 ceramic grade-five magnets and 4 (220)-turn copper coils. This hobbyist's kit walks users through every aspect of capturing and converting wind power into electricity. Users learn how to make S-foil wind blades that can (unlike horizontal wind blades) capture energy from any wind direction. They build step by step an alternator that will use magnetic induction to produce electrical current. The rotor distance is adjustable to the coil array, allowing users to witness magnetic strength principles. The wind turbine produces alternating current that can be displayed when connected to the bi-color LED. This special LED emits alternating red and green light when voltage switches from positive to

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