Tag Eco energy

Homemade Wind Turbine and Commercial Wind Turbine Usage

Homemade Wind Turbines

Homemade wind Turbine - 5kw Wind Turbine Castle Espie

5kw Wind Turbine Castle Espie

A Commercial or homemade wind turbine can be one of the most reliable sources of alternative energy on the planet.

They are made for producing power by converting wind energy into mechanical energy, which is then either used directly (in the case of wind turbines, for example, which have been used to modify the wheat into flour, or to pump Water for agriculture) or coupled to a generator that creates a DC output which can be used in a more general sense. In this article I will talk about the type of turbines that produce electricity, which would be most helpful to us in our daily lives.

Wind turbines are basically big windmills, with huge blades that rotate in the wind and generate power from the conversion of wind strength. The turbines are made of plastic, aluminum, steel and many other metals of the space age.

Wind turbines have a few negative impacts on the environment. They are very visible and very unsightly as they must be placed close to the wind, the terrain to be helpful – trying to locate offshore has been successfully achieved. They require a lot of energy in their manufacture, energy is usually of fossil origin, and so it may take a long time before they are positive in terms of total carbon emissions – this time may be two to five years. The turbines are linked to injuries in birds that can be mutilated as they pass through the turbine fans during migration passages.


Homemade Wind Turbine Videos

Homemade Wind Turbine choices

With all the drawbacks aside, homemade wind turbines should be a choice when it comes to a comprehensive plan for renewable energy. Once built, the turbines are surprisingly effective in a broader sense – they generate electricity from a renewable resource friendly environment, without the hidden social or environmental penalties that we incur with the use of fossil fuels – there’s no need for mining or for fuel for transport – there is no global warming pollutants created, and no need to store, treat or eliminate toxic waste.

At the small end of the scale such as a homemade wind turbine, the turbines can be as small as 5 feet in diameter some times less if needed for portability to use in a RV (Recreational Vehicle) and are capable of only a few hundred watts or less. On the high end of the spectrum, the turbines can be as large as three hundred feet in diameter and are capable of generating two to five megawatts of electricity.

Homemade Wind Turbines Costs

Similar to the production of photovoltaic solar electricity, there may be discounts available for construction and there may also be government grants to subsidize purchase or construction, and excess energy can be sold to the utility companies.

The wind speed is influenced by topography and increases with height above ground, wind turbines are generally installed above tall towers. In a typical application, the turbine is located atop a high tower and generates low voltage which is used to charge a battery store – this stored potential energy is finally used because it requires an inverter that changes low voltage dc voltage of the alternating current that can be used in domestic applications. By concentrating a large number of wind turbines in a substantial amount of electricity can be stored and used, perhaps for an entire city or village.

Because the wind does not blow all the time in many areas, wind turbines are used as additives in hybrid configurations with many different technologies such as solar panels and diesel generators to provide a constant source of electricity.

Unlike fossil fuel devices, wind turbines are clean and green – they don’t create the carbon dioxide emissions that are causing greenhouse gas emissions and SO2 emissions that cause acid rain.

Homemade Wind Turbine Catagories

Today’s turbines are divided into two categories, namely horizontal and vertical wind turbines. Today’s horizontal axis wind turbines are actually much better to catch the wind over turbine vertical axis given the same amount of area swept (which is the diameter of the circle traced by the tip outside of the rotor blades).

Constructing a homemade wind turbine today is much easier than previously as there are many plans available now and also dedicated kits and parts to make it economical to construct using the minimum of skills and expert knowledge. You can even purchase fully constructed small wind turbines for the home for reasonable sums.

Homemade Wind Turbine Resources.